Inflation and Deflation

What is the Difference Between Inflation and Deflation?

In the realm of economics, two crucial concepts that shape the financial landscape are inflation and deflation. Understanding the difference between these terms is essential for individuals, businesses, and governments to make informed financial decisions. 롤 대리팀 추천 This article will provide a comprehensive explanation of inflation and deflation, highlighting their definitions, causes, effects, and implications for various stakeholders.

Understanding Inflation


Inflation refers to the sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services over a specific period. When inflation occurs, the purchasing power of money declines, which means that more money is required to buy the same amount of goods or services.


Inflation can be caused by several factors, including:

  1. Demand-Pull Inflation: This type of inflation occurs when there is an increase in aggregate demand that surpasses the available supply of goods and services. It often happens when the economy is growing rapidly, leading to increased consumer spending.
  2. Cost-Push Inflation: Cost-push inflation arises when there is a significant increase in production costs, such as wages or raw materials. This increase in costs is passed on to consumers through higher prices.
  3. Monetary Inflation: When the money supply in an economy expands at a faster rate than the growth of goods and services, monetary inflation occurs. This situation is often influenced by central banks’ policies, such as excessive printing of money.


Inflation can have various effects on different aspects of the economy:

  1. Reduced Purchasing Power: As the general price level rises, the purchasing power of money decreases. Individuals and businesses need to spend more to maintain their standard of living or production capacity.
  2. Income Redistribution: Inflation can lead to a redistribution of income and wealth. Debtors benefit from inflation as they can repay their debts with money that has less value. Conversely, savers and creditors experience a decrease in the real value of their assets.
  3. Uncertainty and Planning Challenges: High inflation rates introduce uncertainty into the economy, making it challenging for businesses and individuals to plan for the future. Long-term investment decisions become more difficult as the value of money becomes less predictable.


The implications of inflation vary depending on its severity and duration:

  1. Central Bank Policies: Central banks often aim to maintain price stability by targeting a specific inflation rate. They use various monetary tools, such as adjusting interest rates or implementing quantitative easing, to manage inflation and stimulate economic growth.
  2. Investment Strategies: Inflation influences investment decisions. Investors may allocate their portfolios to assets that can provide a hedge against inflation, such as real estate, commodities, or inflation-protected securities.

Understanding Deflation


In contrast to inflation, deflation refers to a sustained decrease in the general price level of goods and services. During deflation, the purchasing power of money increases, meaning that less money is needed to purchase the same amount of goods or services.


Deflation can be caused by several factors, including:

  1. Decreased Aggregate Demand: Deflation may occur when there is a significant decrease in consumer spending or business investment. It can result from factors such as economic recession, financial crises, or changes in consumer behavior.
  2. Technological Advancements: Rapid technological progress can lead to increased productivity and reduced production costs.


Deflation can have various effects on the economy and stakeholders:

  1. Lower Prices: Deflation results in falling prices, which can be beneficial to consumers as their purchasing power increases. Consumers can buy more goods and services for the same amount of money, leading to higher standards of living.
  2. Delayed Purchases: In a deflationary environment, consumers may postpone purchases, anticipating further price declines. This behavior can negatively impact businesses, leading to decreased sales and potential layoffs.
  3. Debt Burden: Deflation increases the real value of debt. As prices decrease, individuals and businesses find it more challenging to repay loans or meet financial obligations, potentially leading to defaults and financial instability.


Deflation poses specific challenges and considerations for economic policymakers:

  1. Central Bank Intervention: Central banks aim to counter deflationary pressures by implementing expansionary monetary policies. They may lower interest rates, increase money supply, or engage in quantitative easing to encourage borrowing, spending, and investment.
  2. Economic Stimulus: Governments can implement fiscal policies to stimulate the economy during deflationary periods. These measures can include tax cuts, increased government spending, or infrastructure projects aimed at boosting aggregate demand.
  3. Expectations and Confidence: Deflation can create a deflationary mindset, where consumers and businesses delay spending and investments in anticipation of lower prices. Restoring confidence and managing expectations becomes crucial for economic recovery.


In conclusion, understanding the difference between inflation and deflation is vital in navigating the complexities of the financial world. Inflation is characterized by a sustained increase in the general price level, reducing the purchasing power of money. Deflation, on the other hand, involves a sustained decrease in prices, increasing the purchasing power of money. Both inflation and deflation have significant effects on individuals, businesses, and economies, influencing spending patterns, investment strategies, and policy decisions. By grasping the nuances of these concepts, stakeholders can make informed decisions to protect their wealth, plan for the future, and contribute to overall economic stability.

Analysis of NVIDIA for investing

Analysis of NVIDIA for investing

NVIDIA is a leading technology company that designs and manufactures advanced graphics processing units (GPUs) and other related products. 소액결제현금화 The company is well-known for its GPUs, which are widely used in gaming, artificial intelligence (AI), data centers, and autonomous vehicles.

Financial Performance: NVIDIA has shown strong financial performance over the years. Its revenue has experienced consistent growth, driven by increasing demand for its GPUs in various industries. The company has a track record of delivering solid earnings and has maintained a healthy profit margin. However, it’s important to note that past performance is not indicative of future results.

Competitive Position: NVIDIA has established itself as a market leader in GPUs, which has given it a competitive advantage. The company has a strong presence in the gaming industry, and its GPUs are highly regarded for their performance and efficiency. In addition, NVIDIA has been successful in expanding its reach into AI, data centers, and automotive sectors, which present significant growth opportunities.

Industry Outlook: The technology industry, particularly the AI and data center segments, is expected to continue growing rapidly. NVIDIA is well-positioned to benefit from these trends due to its strong product portfolio and expertise in GPU technology. The increasing adoption of AI and the growing demand for high-performance computing are likely to drive the demand for NVIDIA’s products in the future.

Risks: Like any investment, there are risks associated with investing in NVIDIA. The company operates in a highly competitive industry, and there is a risk of new entrants or technological advancements that could disrupt its market position. Additionally, changes in consumer preferences or economic conditions could impact demand for NVIDIA’s products.

Overall, NVIDIA appears to be a solid investment option considering its strong financial performance, competitive position, and the growth potential in its target markets. However, it’s essential to conduct further research, analyze the company’s fundamentals, and consider your own investment goals and risk tolerance before making any investment decisions. It’s also advisable to consult with a financial advisor for personalized investment advice.

Please note that this analysis is based on the information available up until September 2021, and it’s always important to stay updated with the latest news and financial reports before making any investment decisions. Analysis of NVIDIA

Let’s analyze the financial statements of NVIDIA Corporation (NASDAQ: NVDA).

Financial performance: NVIDIA has demonstrated strong financial performance over the past several years. Revenue continued to grow due to increased demand for GPUs. The company has generated stable profits and maintained healthy profit margins. However, past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Competitive edge: NVIDIA has established itself as a leader in the GPU market, which has given it a competitive edge. The company has a strong presence in the gaming industry and has GPUs that are valued for their graphics performance and efficiency. NVIDIA is also looking for significant growth opportunities as it expands its business into artificial intelligence, data centers, and autonomous vehicles.

Industry Outlook: The technology industry, especially the artificial intelligence and data center segments, will continue to grow rapidly. NVIDIA is expected to benefit from this trend with its strong product portfolio and expertise in GPU technology. The growing adoption of artificial intelligence and growing demand for high-performance computing are expected to boost demand for NVIDIA’s products in the coming years. Analysis of NVIDIA

Risk: Investing in NVIDIA carries risks like any other investment. The company operates in a highly competitive industry, and there is a risk of new entrants or technological advances that may shift its market position. In addition, changes in consumer preferences or economic conditions may affect demand for NVIDIA’s products.

How to start overseasfutrestrading?

Know-how investing futres

overseasfutrestrading! If you are interested in starting overseas futures trading, you have come to the right place. Futures trading can be an exciting and profitable way to invest your money. However, it can also be complex and risky. In this article, 해외선물 하는 법 we will guide you through the steps necessary to get started with overseas futures trading.

Understand the Basics of Futures Trading

Before you begin trading futures, it is important to understand the basics. A futures contract is an agreement to buy or sell an underlying asset at a predetermined price and date. Futures contracts are traded on exchanges, and they allow traders to speculate on the future price of commodities, currencies, or other assets.

There are two types of futures contracts: physical delivery and cash settlement. Physical delivery contracts require the actual delivery of the underlying asset, while cash settlement contracts are settled in cash based on the difference between the contract price and the current market price.

Choose a Futures Broker

To trade futures, you will need to open an account with a futures broker. Your broker will execute your trades and provide you with access to the futures markets. When choosing a broker, it is important to consider factors such as commissions, fees, trading platforms, and customer support.

There are many futures brokers to choose from, so it is important to do your research and choose a reputable and reliable broker that meets your trading needs.

Develop a Trading Plan

Before you start trading futures, it is important to develop a trading plan. A trading plan is a set of rules that govern your trading decisions. It should include your goals, risk management strategy, and entry and exit criteria.

Your trading plan should also take into account the specific market conditions and trading hours of the markets you plan to trade. It is important to stick to your trading plan and not let emotions or market fluctuations cloud your judgment.

Learn About Risk Management

Futures trading can be risky, so it is important to have a solid risk management strategy in place. This includes setting stop-loss orders to limit your losses, diversifying your portfolio, and avoiding over-leveraging. overseasfutrestrading

It is also important to have a realistic understanding of the risks involved in futures trading. This includes the potential for large losses, the volatility of the markets, and the impact of global events on commodity prices.

Stay Informed About Market Conditions

To be a successful futures trader, it is important to stay informed about market conditions. This includes staying up-to-date on economic and political news, monitoring commodity prices, and understanding the impact of global events on the markets.

You can also use technical analysis tools to help you identify market trends and make informed trading decisions. However, it is important to remember that no trading strategy is foolproof, and that past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. overseasfutrestrading


In conclusion, starting overseas futures trading can be a lucrative and rewarding investment strategy. However, it is important to understand the basics of futures trading, choose a reputable futures broker, develop a trading plan, manage your risk, and stay informed about market conditions. By following these steps and staying disciplined, you can increase your chances of success in the futures markets. overseasfutrestrading

retreating CNA caseloads

retreating CNA caseloads – CEUs and Assertive Encouragement

For CEUs, 취준 방법 we are now faced with more people than ever before taking online CNA courses. Taking place in virtual classrooms, Amidst the crush of students taking advantage of CEU’s, there is a way to integrate classroom and online instruction- for the student and their instructor. This way, students can pace themselves and work toward their CEU requirements more independently- without sacrificing their current projects, classes or even jobs.

Today, the sheer volume of information on CEUs and Assertive Encouragement is making it difficult for online courses to Minute the instructor. However, the internet has a built in search engine that can handle this volume of information and will deliver a result- after getting the information, a student’s name, even an employee number from the instructor is just a click away. This is an example of how technology can make even the most complex of administrative tasks easier and more accurate.

Even with the volume of information now online, we have begun to see a returning interest in more formal written and online instruction. This is partially caused by the fact that the average student in the US spends approximately 7 hours per week in class (I know everyone says that, but seriously- many students spend much more time in class than that, than they would in the virtual classroom). Much of the lost instruction is caused by the fact that the instructor can’t keep track of students individually. Even worse, imagine a situation where a student rolls a joint and breaks the joint. The instructor can’t credit the student for the exercise, and the rest of the class has to scramble to keep the credit line from deletion.

By establishing a series of simple, self-paced study tasks, CEU instructors can handle the volume of students expected to graduate in a reasonable time frame while still being able to provide reasonable education to each student.

Tasks like these- based on information from Cream and Pursley, 2007 in the Journal of Continuing Education and Technology- allow professors to cater to the individual needs of students while still being able to produce a quality educational experience for the classroom.

Adaptive pacing

One way to combat the “I Need To Meet A deadline” syndrome that colleges and universities are all too familiar with is to use technology to aid in the completion of tasks.

There are many technological tools available to CEU students. Interactive computer games, for example, can help a student learn about how to pace themselves when addressing a large amount of information in a relatively short amount of time.

I just recently finished playing the game “Agentsynthesis” byauthor Eric Hill and ended up marking my PSC exam in the process. I was surprised at how intuitive the game is to play and I got a high score even though I knew virtually nothing about science. Even more surprising was how the game rewarded those who took the time to learn.


The game’s developer, Transmetron, makes games that reward students for engaging with their lessons. This is important to me because I think games like this can motivate students in a huge way. Compared to the boring and time consuming traditional method of instruction, I think games like this hold the potential to educate students in a way that’s both fun and informational.

I recently played a game that simulated an IEP [Personalized Education Program] session. IWITTS trained me in this game, and I think the game offers a way for students to exercise self-worth and get a sense of their competency.

If you have an interest in games and/or the potential to become a teacher, I would look into purchasing IWITTS products. The company offers web-based software and self-paced courses, as well as teacher tools and a free classroom portal. They seem to have a big focus on creating engaging lessons that keep students engaged and help them learn, as well as a lot of other interesting things along with the lessons themselves.

A big part of the appeal of IWITTS products is that they’re fun. While the traditional method of learning can be a chore, games like IWITTS reinforce skills and can therefore be fun.

Whether you want to be an IWB trainer, a tutor, a teacher or just enjoy the challenge of supporting others to learn, web-based learning and video lessons make it possible for you to deliver more value in less time, with less expense and support.

SEO Techniques

SEO Techniques For Article Marketing

SEO Techniques – Creating a website has really become an important business for many people. There are a lot of people who want to own a website and maintain it ad infinitum. In fact, today if you don’t have your own website and you are someone who wants to earn money by using the internet, then your best bet is to create a website. There are a lot of people who don’t have the time to create a website and they can’t wait until such a website comes into existence. That is why there are a lot of people who are tricked by the idea of making a website and then think that it will be helpful for them. However, what they don’t know is that in order to make a website you need to market it.

Yes, it is true that you can place a link on the web and then when people click on it, they will be able to come to your website. However, why do people click on your website? The answer to that is because your website has something that will be relevant to what they are looking for. For example, if your website is talking about food recipes, then you want to be the first person they see. And isn’t that great? But you need to make sure that people visit your website.

One of the best ways to do this is by using SEO techniques. In case you are new to this, then you can just know that SEO is search engine optimization. When people are searching for something on the internet, they will be able to find your website on the search engine results. And when they are visiting your website, it is important that you have content on your website that will be related to what they are looking for.

The problem with a lot of people who have websites is that they don’t place enough keywords on their websites. The keywords are what the search engine uses to place your website on the results. When selecting your keywords it is important that you choose words that are common and immediate that will get you visitors that will want to do business with you.

When selecting keywords you need to consider your audience. Think about what they will be searching for and how they are going to be looking for your website. Also think about which words best describe the content of your website.

Have you ever asked yourself why there are so many successful websites that are on the top spot of the search engine results? There are only a few factors that are used in determining the search engine results. Once you have considered all of the factors that are used in the ranking of websites, you will be able to understand exactly what you need to do to make your website rank high in the search engine results.

The first thing that you should do is to optimize your website. You can do this by using the keywords that you have chosen. The search engines will be able to see through your keywords and you will be able to get your website ranked very high.

If you have already researched and chosen the keywords that you will be using, then it is time that you made sure that your domain name contains the keywords. You should make sure that your domain name is ranked highly when it comes to any search engines.

You should make sure that your website is properly optimized. To do this, you should make sure that you have linked all of your pages to all of the pages that are above them on the hierarchy of the website. You should also optimize the home page of your website and all of the other web pages that are linked from it.

When the optimization is done properly, you will be able to obtain the position that you desired. In order for you to maintain that position, you will need to continuously update your website with relevant content. The only way that you will be able to maintain your position is by relying on the traffic that you will get from the search engines. If you are not willing to do just that, then it will be best for you to find a SEO company to help you with your website. That way, you will be able to achieve the position that you want to attain.

Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing equations on SEO and SEM

Search Engine Marketing  – There are lots of people on the internet everyday who do not understand what search engine marketing is or why they need to hire someone to help them with it. In fact most people think it’s an expensive mistake not worth the investment.

This article will help explain what search engine marketing is and why people need to be serious about it.

So first things first; search engine marketing is a way of involving the marketing of your website with the search engines themselves. This could be through something as simple as creating a web address, or having your business listed on Google maps or the like. It could also be structuring your website in a way that will help increase the ranking of your site when it comes to the search engines. This can take some time and effort to figure out, but it is relatively easy once you know what you are doing.

The reason why search engine marketing is important to get traffic to your website is simple. The internet is one of the most profitable ways to get more customers. It doesn’t cost you anything to get someone to your website and start getting visitors to your site. This means you can spend less money on things like advertising and promotion and focus on getting more customers to your site instead.

Another advantage of search engine marketing is that it is generally a lot easier to implement than most people think. Most people have no idea how to get Google to list their website or store higher in the search engine results. The reason for this is that there are hundreds of different factors that the search engines look at when determine how to list a website. Some of these factors include things like content on the site, and the number of other sites that link to the site.

The combined sum of all of these factors will determine where your site is going to rank in the search engine results. This is the main reason why it is said that search engine marketing is more important than basic search engine optimization.

While it is impossible to know exactly what Google or any other search engine is looking for when it comes to the rankings, there is actually a fairly decent chance that it will be similar to the factors that are considered. The two main things that could improve your search engine ranking are the amount of back links that the website has as well as the content of the website.

The amount of back links that the website has will play a big role in your search engine marketing success. The best way to build back links is by trading links with other websites that are related to your business. The best way to do this without spending a lot of time is to write articles and let other people publish these articles on their website.

The content of the website is also important when it comes to search engine marketing. If your website is full of useless information it will not be read or clicked on by the customers. Also you need to make sure that your website has the correct keywords that will help the customer find your site.

It is not enough to just have these things on your website, you need to have an article that is related to the business that will have the keywords that will will directly link to your site. This can be done through the website itself, or through writing a blog. Needless to say, without proper keywords and a sitemap, you will not be able to get all the information that your website needs to be able to be viewed by the customers.

Once you have achieved these tasks you will be able to see that the traffic to your site will increase, and with that, your business will also gain popularity.

For more information about search engine marketing and other similar business ideas, it is strongly recommended that you read more of my articles here and on other websites that are related to internet marketing and business.

Long Tail Of Search Efficiently

How To Make Use Of Long Tail Of Search Efficiently

Long Tail Of Search Efficiently – When a general term is used to find websites online, the titles of the results will all tell you what the website involves and what it has to do with. It will then be easier for you to understand and use the service to the maximum possible extent.

Some of the common terms being referred to throughout this article are:

The Kstem phase or beginner stage is at the start and this is where there is the risk of optimising the website for theseTermsthat are being referred to.

New entrant steps to pay attention to include:

Linking campaigns done by the non-optimizer looking for traffic and ranking is beneficial only for the amount of trafficrals they advert a website receives. This is why the latter should be done by link builders who will put the proper devastator tags on the website before putting it online. If a website is proper, it will not armour this way and this also gives the website a certain level of SEO value.

A website that is optimised for SEO terms 소액결제현금화 will not only use the keywords present in the title tag, but it will also use the long tail K Wonka phrase frequently. The website is also written in a natural way and so there is no measurable increase Potential customer conversion.

copies of the website that have been optimised by the company and have a high degree ofDogpilerelevance. This means that the website has a high degree of relevancy to the search terms being searched for by the user.

Page description is also important as they do not exceed 150 characters. They are the description of the website, as they are the first thing that a user will be able to see when the website is displayed in the search engine results. A user will not be able to see the page title if they search for a website on internet. The description will however appear in the search results. Also note that this tag should be about 150 characters only as they are being searched by many users.

Images on websites are one of the most important factors for getting high search engine rankings. As these images are not visible to the user when searching for a particular term. the title and description of the website should be about the specific image and not for website as they are not relevant to the search engine. Similarly, the alt tags for the same images should also be about the specific image and not for website. Many search engines read alt tags; however, Google does not.

Having a link on a high trafficcommerce website with an ecommerce shop will increase the chances of the website to be searched by many users.

Links form high traffic websites will increase the visibility and have a large amount of SEO value.

Forums and blogs are one of the best ways to have discussions and back linking opportunities. These should have the rel=”nofollow” tag so that they will not pass Page Rank. Relevant posts on the forums and blogs will increase the amount of incoming links to your website. But make sure that the links you have are from quality websites and not from numerous spammer websites. If you spam blogs or forums, your information will be likely to be banned, leading to the death of your website.

But there are also many SEO techniques you can employ without spamming forums and blogs. These include:

Create a Google Places listing for your website

The title and description of your Places listing for your website should be populated with the most important keywords. These will appear in the search results.

Use meta tags in the header of the website

The title and description of your meta tags must contain the keywords that you are optimizing for.

If possible, include the keywords in the website name itself.

Create a Facebook business page

You can increase your business page’s popularity by creating multiple Facebook business pages that revolve around the same topic. This is a great way to increase your traffic.

Link to your website

Before linking to your website, ensure that the website is complete and that all internal links point to the correct version. Long Tail Of Search Efficiently

Search engine optimization is a great tool for marketing purposes. You can get your website rank high on search engine results and get a bigger slice of a larger market using this technique than traditional marketing.

SQL Editor Command

SQLd-Transaction-SQL Editor Command

SQL Editor Command – There are a lot of times people will run into SQL Editor. You may have heard people typing commands into the SQL editor like insert into statements, update from a cursor, etc. Instead of doing that, you can create a shortcut to execute those commands instantly. 소액결제현금화 This shortcut will only work when you have selected the SQL editor.

First, use start SQLd from your command prompt. Then, type “ip -s SQL_ Editor” without the quotation marks and hit enter. SQL Editor will open the main SQL editor.

Now, create a shortcut of the SQL Editor in your desktop. Right click on your desktop and then create shortcut. (You do not need to have a shortcut.)

Once you have a shortcut on your desktop, start the shortcut. The shortcut will have a icon with the SQL logo.

Now, to run the shortcut, you run the command prompt. When you enter the command, replace x with the name of the shortcut. For example, if you had just created a shortcut of the SQL Editor, then you would type the command x bolt SQL_ Editor.

If someone else is typing the command into the command field, you will see a dot and another line number. This is called the executed field or a symbolic block.

You can add as many symbolic blocks as you like. When you have finished adding all the blocks, hit the enter key. SQL Server will then ready the current query to be run.

You can also open a shortcut from the command line instead of using the SQL_ editor shortcut. When you do this, you will be able to use the shortcut rather than launching the SQL editor.

3. Using CATV

Computers often default back to using terminator when they are trying to talk to a cable modem. However, this can be a real pain when you have a network. Why? Because cables that run to the modem must already be connected to a computer. This means that either the person who owns the cable modem is lying about their speeds or you are going to have to change your motherboard or processor.

Now, instead of going to the cable company, you can run directly to the closet where the cables are. You can pick up any one of the four cables and connect it to the modem. Note, however, that you cannot plug the same cable into more than one modem.

4. Flashing Error Light

A flashing error light can be one of the easiest but sometimes also the most difficult of errors to troubleshoot. If you’ve just installed a new piece of hardware, there may be a corrupted device driver for the hardware. Or, if you are using a dual monitor system, one of the LCD monitors may have a corrupted driver. Either way, when you see a flashing light on one of the monitors, don’t immediately think that it is time to replace the monitor. Identify the location of the error first, and if there is a brightness problem with the backlight, try lagging a little.

5. Your Window’sDPI Vector Graphics Driver Makes Your Computer Slow

Okay, most people are never going to get this, but a certain amount of people cause their computers to run more slowly. One reason is because they are not setting DPI levels high enough.DPI stands for Digital Peripheral Interface. Your PC has a digital card with a software built in. It communicates with the card using signals which are either from a mouse or from peripherals like the memory hard drive.

The thing is that when you set the settings for a hardware, there is always some kind of perceivable latency in the data that is being transferred between the computer and the attached device. No matter how fast your hard drive is, how much memory you put on your computer, or how much faster the mouse is… some of the data will be a little slower.

The key is to set the minimum and maximum DPI levels Appropriately. The default settings for most DPI-users is probably not going to get the job done.

So, what can be done instead?

A slightly simpler solution is to adjust your monitor’s settings. Your display settings, for example, may need to be changed to adjust to the monitor’s resolution. Not everyone will be able to adjust their settings to a problem with their computers, so it may be time to consider upgrading your computers’ drivers.

And, of course, a good anti-virus software will help prevent problems further down the line.

Technology Improvement

Is Technology Making Our Lives Easier, Or Too Easy?

Technology Improvement – Since the announcement of the iPhone 5S and its new fingerprint password technology, I have been noticing just how much technology is constantly improving. The latest news from Apple is that they are expecting a huge order for the iPhone 5S and are planning on taking it to the next step – creating an iPhone version that is thicker and heavier than the current iPhone version. 단체문자 사이트 But is this device really that much of an upgrade from the iPhone version that we have now?

Surely, when the first iPhone version was first released, I would agree that it was a year or two old. However, I am finding that I am much more likely to upgrade my iPhone 5S to the latest version, and my concern is not only with what I am currently using, but also what I plan on using in the future.

So, now that I’ve clicked my pen to the next generation of iPhone, what can I expect to use it for? Well, speculation is running rampant as to what I would really use an iPhone for, after all, our gadgets so far have been progressing so fast, it’s hard to keep up with it.

Now, I am no computer expert, but I am quite sure that within the next month or two, we will know for sure what I should be using my precious new toy. But in the meantime, I plan on using it to surf the net, I love checking out site reports and news from across the globe, and I like to do my finance shopping and mostly do my business online.

So, with the regularity of my business trips, I will be purchasing my iPhone in the commute and my laptop when I know I will need it. I know that it is hard to get used to a new model so quickly, but I am really enthralled by the technology and love to learn about new things.

Of course, I will be buying it refurbished so that I know what real “new” means. And I already have a big list of things that I have to list:

• iPhone – sure, I’m a Mac fan boy and will buy the Mac in a second. Doesn’t matter what other brands people want me to buy, including the name brand I buy the iPhone because I can’t think of a better phone. Why? I have no money to buy a new phone. iPhone, LG Cell, Blackberry, Android, Nokia, Microsoft, Sony, Nokia, HTC, Palm, anyone and everything else but Apple. Technology Improvement

• Mac – I’ve said this before but I love the fact that I can get the computer that I’ve fallen in love with so much, without having to fry my brain by changing jets every time I fly to visit family and friends. I love feeling settled and guide myself easily to the information I need.

• divide and conquer

As long as technology keeps dividing us into categories, I will take whatever sexual advance I want without feeling self conscious or guilty. If you can have a smoothies color printer in the kitchen that prints perfect sizes andotine to-fit-your-habits-customer’s-1950’s-berry- pulsating-berry-cutter television, I will take that technological marvel andgorithm anyplace I possibly can.

On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 would mean perfection, and that’s how important it is for me. I don’t even care what other people think about my purchases, as long as I feel in control of my life and my destiny in it. Technology Improvement

There’s really only one thing that I turn to; the word of the streets, and it’s people who do things with their hands that I can take to mean that I have the opportunity to lead a life of significance and that my life won’t be controlled by technology. Technology Improvement

Did you know that 81% of the people live in urban areas? The way technology havocs our lives and our expectations, I suspect that this number will go down and drop further still. Already we see that people between the ages of 16 and 24 are spending more time using laptops and sometimes even iPads and other touchscreen devices then when they did before.

Wouldn’t it make more sense and save energy and money to use these possessions, and not leave them unused and hanging? The productivity losses alone can be enormous. Does it really make sense that we ruin our businesses and environment and then walk around feeling like the loss of our most precious is going to permanently Doom?

I propagate and embrace new technology because I firmly believe that the future of our children lies in it. I believe that kids should be playing video games, not listening to music, watching movies, and enjoyingoot Fetable social media accounts; not listening to music, playing video games, watching movies, and using their real names online.